Since I'm past the requisite age, had a bad case of Chicken Pox as a first-grader, and have spent the last couple of years watching friends, family and neighbors keel over with nasty cases of Shingles, I felt strongly that I'd probably pushed my luck about as far as I should. So, in addition to my shopping list, I grabbed my Shingles vaccine prescription and BC, and we were off to the store.
Are we here yet? Are we, are we, are we?
Can I have a balloon if I don't cry? Puleeeeeease?
Whoa...this is beginning to feel just a bit more official and real now! I think I'll just skip down to the signature line.
This very nice Pharmacist who has just had a camera stuck in his face and wonders what expose' this photo will highlight, did hold himself together quite nicely and was an extremely good shot giver (injectionizer?)
Bottom line: No, I didn't get a balloon even though I didn't cry. But, and I swear by all that is holy this is the truth, I got a certificate that said: "You're immunized! Here is your reward...10% OFF Your next grocery purchase. Thank you."
Oh no, no. Thank You.