Thursday, April 5, 2012


"Hurry, Grandma!  We're going to the Science Museum!"  What time is it?  Are you sure?  I've forgotten what it's like being young, energetic and excited.  I've forgotten today is Monday.  I've forgotten that it's me who promised the Science Museum.  Get up...Get Ready...Get Energized!  Coffee.  That's it.  Coffee.  Coffee helps...though not as much as it used to.  But, I'm conscious now.  I'm ready.  Jackson.  Load up!

Yes, it's the second cloudy, chilly, windy, spitting rain, day in a row.  Perfect for the Arizona Science Museum...Get Ready!

What a great way to begin.  A race between Mom and Jackson.  And the winner is...Jackson!

Oh, dear.  Mom needs to check her blood pressure!  Mom is pooped!

 Everyone has gathered at the Weather Exhibit.  "Get Ready!" shouts Jackson.  We're going to have some weather!

 Whoa!  I think this is the earthquake!

 It's raining!

This looks SERIOUS.

Science wasn't my strong subject, and I don't have a clue.  But I like it!

Dad is suiting up for an adventure! 

Be careful, Dad!

I think Dad likes this adventure!  A lot!

Easy there, Dad!  It's a long way down!

Good job!

Time for outdoor play--with splashing water, colored balls and flying objects.  It's awesome!  It's Jackson's kind of space.

It's a TORNADO, Dad!

Uh Oh!  The Science Museum is closing.

Look Mom!  Can you see my eye?  See it?

Why, yes, we can!  It's a good looking eye, too.  But...time to go.

Wow!  Mom has revived.  Mom is excited!  Why is Mom excited?

 Mom just learned that her favorite Pizzeria Bianco is just next door to the Science Museum...and it's open...and there's only a very SHORT wait!!

Just enough time for a short replay of "Puss in Boots."  Silly Mom and Dad!

Monday, April 2, 2012


Jackson is all of seven years old, and Jackson has decided to take his Grandmother to the Phoenix Children's Museum.  If only Grandma would drive just a little bit faster, we would get there a little bit quicker.  "Hurry, Grandma, Hurry!"      

FINALLY!  We're here, and the first thing inside the museum is the "Climber"!  The Climber is HUGE.  The Climber is colorful.  The Climber is all imagination, creativity, active children and breathless parents.  Jackson is excited but discriminating.  It is his character to look a situation over, study that situation, figure it out, and then carefully approach.  As he begins that process with the Climber, he spies... 

The nearby "WHOOSH!"  A maze of twisty-turny flexible clear plastic tubing, the Whoosh! is connected to a small wind machine which sends light colorful scarves flying madly through its innards before spitting them out where you least expect, from whence they drift ever so slowly to the grasping hands below.  Openings in the contraption itself allow the kids to insert the scarves and/or change the geography of the tubes and thus, the eventual scarf exit locations.  The kids are fascinated.  The Moms, Dads, and Grandparents are fascinated.  Everyone wants in the game.

 "Grandma...This is Awesome!"

Suddenly, we spy a smaller contraption, designed to be re-designed by the kids, and which (because of air power) will float a ping-pong ball a few inches above itself, or--if you're really clever and turn it sideways--pop the ball out and scare your sister.

In a flash, Jackson decides it's time for the Climber and off he runs.  Not only is the Climber appropriate for...well, climbing, it's also perfect for sailing  a striped boat that, quite handily, walks right onto the beach when you're close to shore.

And, for flying around the world again and again and again in the shiny white bathtub magically equipped with huge and detailed feathery wings. 

"Mom--Dad!  What's upstairs?"  "Hurry, Grandma!"

The Children's Museum was originally the Monroe School, built in 1913 with great wide stairs and hallways, and now we're exploring one of those spaces.  Did I mention Jackson loves music?  Did I mention Jackson especially loves drum music?  Did I mention Jackson flew to Phoenix immediately after seeing a theatre production of "Stomp"?  In Jackson's post-Stomp world, everything is a music maker.

Especially polka dot soft-ish rubbery meant-to-be drums!

But, when presented with a "Noodle Forest", even the most dedicated drumming music maker quickly moves on.  After the briefest of pauses, Jackson determinedly entered the forest, while his daddy followed enthusiastically.  Jackson's mommy, after some hesitation, sidled through the blue barrier and, finally, Grandma, muttering "What the heck",  took the plunge.  Despite the hordes of short creatures darting here and there, laughing, shouting, and squealing, we emerged intact and went back for more.  In Jackson's case, dozens of times.


Then, it was time for a quick "Pit Stop", Tricycle Wash, Races and more and more and more...

Until we discovered "The Market."  Jackson weighed beans...

Unloaded the delivery truck...

Stocked the shelves...

Before ringing up his Mom and Dad's purchases.  Whew!  That was awesome!

Unfortunately, closing time came much too soon...and, as with all good things, our adventure came to an end.  Good-Bye, Phoenix Children's Museum.

And, so, now we know how you take your Grandmother to the museum!
Thank you, Jackson!
(It was awesome!)