Monday, December 31, 2012


 Well, here it is--December 31st and, whereas, I had planned to have all of my 2013 Resolutions quite neatly tied up by this time, I don't.  In fact I'm not even close.  In greater fact, I haven't even started.  It's a mess.

First, I had hoped that 2013 would be a year of createfulness as hinted at by my wonderful new planner, and a not quite as wonderful new journal for my createful thoughts.  However, createfulness takes time, and I've had very little of that lately, so all bets are off.

Second, since at 68 I may not have many cognitive years left, I had hoped that 2013 might be the year in which I stepped out in my centrist political way and supported various causes that I feel are critically important to the future of this country.  However, I've become so discouraged by our federal and state legislative branches and their lack of interest in the welfare of the people who sent them there, I've lost all interest.  I guess I'll just continue ranting to BC each morning as we read the newspaper.

Third, because the economy has been on the skids since the day after I retired, I decided that 2013 would have to be the year I designed a carefully crafted budget, based on detailed records of 2012 income vs. expenditures with allowances for inflation, and then follow it to the letter each day.  Unfortunately, I've spent 2012 as Treasurer of the SCG Photo Club managing their bookeeping to the highest possible standard and will present a bang-up 2013 budget at their next board meeting.  I'll just continue praying for the best regarding my own finances.

Fourth, having learned that I just don't function well if my world isn't organized, 2013 was to have been the year this entire house (yes, even under that guest room bed)  would be organized to the nth degree.  I would begin in the den on January 1st, march into a new room the first of each month, and by December 31, 2013, close the door on a home filled with color-coded totes, decorative (and artistically labelled) baskets, bins and crates. So what happens if my so-called budget (see #3 above) doesn't allow for gas to get to the Container Store on the other side of the valley?  Resolutions are so complicated.  

Fifth, it's time to look at personal improvement.  I need to be a stronger person.  I need to continue my efforts to become a critical thinker.  I need to come up with something really intellectual to say at book club.  I need to speak up in measured tones when a crazy person says something that I really, really disagree with.  I need to be a wimp no longer.  I need to go to downtown Phoenix, stand in front of Governor Jan Brewer's office and shout, "I am a centrist Democrat and, NO, you may not run for a third term."  I need to write a thought-provoking letter to the Arizona Republic.  I need to admit my fashion style is preppy and buy that plaid skirt at Banana Republic Outlet.

Sixth, exercise.  Doesn't it always come down to exercise?  Do it more often.  Do it longer.  Do it harder.  Do it better.  You just need to be glad I do it at all.  So there.  Now I'm ready for 2013...and for the champagne BC's bringing home from the store.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!             

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