Sunday, June 19, 2011


Now, frankly, this is more like it.  Look at these colors:

And these...

Twenty colors, thirteen color families--A person could get into serious trouble with Urban Organics, but life isn't about staying in a comfortable, safe, little beige box.  Life is stretching, striding, reaching, gasping--oh, wait, that's the gym--life is to LIVE!  Life is Bold Brick, Bee's Wax and Jersey Cream.  Life is Burnished Brandy, Earthen Jug and Armagnac.  Life is Maison Blanche and Crisp Linen--"classic and contemporary at once."  Life is Good--but tricky to pronounce.

Twenty-four hours after obtaining the samples, I've made a decision.  Bear in mind, this will be a long project as we're going to paint the entire house before we're finished.  But at least we're off to a roaring start:  We'll be painting  the chopping block Urbane Bronze--because we're not going to "overlook the power of brown".  Hold us back!


Mickie said...

This is very exciting news. I can't wait to see the results...!

Kristi said...

You are really being a risk taker! Reminds me of a lime green piano and white couch.