Wednesday, August 1, 2012


We've had two graduations this year.  Collin graduated from Kindergarten (See July 16, 2012 Post) while Caleb just received his Masters.  Whereas, graduations are pretty much graduations, there are some important differences in these two. 
When Collin graduated, the room was carefully decorated to symbolize graduation.  Tables nicely set, kids dressed up, and the stage decorated by an LA Balloon Designer who does a variety of Red Carpet events.  (He's also the daddy of one of Collin's classmates.)  Caleb, by contrast, graduated in Bramlage Coliseum at K-State.  It lacks just a lot in atmosphere but, to its credit, the big screen helps with the small details!  

Collin and his friends were already in the room and simply lined up for their graduation ceremony.  Caleb and the few hundred grad students walking with him, were piped in by a very official looking piper.  I have absolutely no idea how that tradition began, or even if it is a tradition.  I don't remember it from other K-State graduations, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.  Actually, a lot of things anymore are like that...

Collin's two teachers were the speakers at his graduation, but Caleb got Robert Gates, former Secretary of Defense, who gave a really great speech.  It's wasn't exactly an "upper" but it was well-done and very thoughtful.  I was impressed.  One would think Robert Gates graduated from K-State and had been invited back to speak, but he's a William & Mary guy.  He's from Kansas, though, and in this part of the country...that's close enough.

Collin, you might remember, received both a little graduation certificate as well as an award for kindness.  Caleb received an empty K-State padded folder.  The actual degree "is in the mail."

Caleb is the definite family star today.  He's surrounded by his Mom, sister and brother-in-law, and his super-accountant dad who, even as he poses, is running figures through his head related to the raise he just received as Caleb officially graduated and, even better, goes to work on Monday!  It's a good day for Dad.. 

Collin got to pose and smile with his little sister.  This is NOT Caleb's little sister.

And, per new family tradition, got to wear really silly graduation antennae for the rest of the afternoon.
Congratulations, Caleb.  A job really well done!
Grandma and Dr. C.

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